Saturday, February 6, 2010

Still going strong

Well these last few days have been going well for me. So far I have stuck to my points and am finding it relatively easy to do so. I am getting a little hungry at night but I try and drink water and not think about it. I got a little down because the scales said 193.0. However, good news. When I went on the scales today it said 191.5 so yay another 1.5 pounds down.

I feel really food about weight watchers this time. I don't think I have really stuck with it for this long and still felt so empowered. I have been doing weight watchers with a person quite close to me and it has made a world of difference. Talking about it keeps me on my toes and so far my heels haven't come down too far lol. I am finding more and more everyday foods that are pretty low in calories that can fill you up. For example, there is a double fiber bread that allows you two slices for a point! Do you know how great that is? I think its pretty fantastic. Also I really like weight watchers yogurts, you can have those for a point, and my mom recently got me onto a Greek yogurt called Chobani which has 18 grams of protein and no fat or fiber for just 100 calories. I like to add a little honey (about 1 TBS) to the yogurt and it makes it really yummy. This person who I am doing this new lifestyle with is also doing very well and it makes me so happy to see someone doing well with their weight, it inspires me more to keep going.

Today, even though I am not engaged quite yet, I started to think about my possible wedding and I became even more determined to lose the weight so that I could fit into the size I wanted to. I am hoping that tomorrow will not be too difficult. It is the superbowl and along with the superbowl comes lots and lots of food, and not always the best kind. I am just going to have to try my very best. I feel that I have done so well so far, I really do not want to mess it up with one day, so wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh I love wedding talk... you know you can come talk to me about it as much as you want :)

    Also, congrats! We didn't eat too much bad stuff last night, and Mandy and I are getting rid of all of it today. I started my healthy eating today too!!
