Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On a Roll

Well today has been a good day. I got on the scales and they read 192.0. Woo hoo, so far lost almost 4 pounds. Hopefully the losing will continue. Today in food has also been good. I had a Greek yogurt with honey for breakfast, a weight watchers italian meat ball soup with two slices of bread (which by the way are only 1 WW point! They are double in fiber and only 50 calories for a slice). I also had some grapes and one of my 3 point brownies I made last night. For dinner I had some left over chicken parmesan I had made last night with one serving of pasta, some veggies, and a 2 point ice cream sandwhich for dessert, yum! I actually still have 2 points left for the day but do not feel hungry so I wont use them. Go me yay! So far it is all going well. As long as I can save about 16 points or so for dinner I usually do fine.

This weekend I may be going to Florida with Austin for the first bike race. I really hope I can go but may not be able to if there is not enough room. If not I am going to go home to Columbia. If I do go to Florida I am going to really have to watch what I eat. I really don't want to mess up everything I have worked so hard for these past two weeks. My I-Pod arrived at my mum's house today so will have it soon. It feels a long time since I bid on it.

Anyways this is me signing out for the night. Hopefully the good news will continue

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, i hope you post an update soon... about how you lost more weight!! :) And about the new ipod, now you've got me wanting one! Though i think i might just get an iphone in september... hmm. choices, choices!

    BTW this is SB but i'm on chad's computer... soo bummer. :(
